It's Your Parliament

This website gives you an unique overview of the votes cast in the European Parliament. You can easily find and compare voting records of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and political groups and you can make your own comments and cast your own votes.
New at the site

09/10-2011: Luise Bergmann made a dome-visualization of the voting in the EP using data from our API.

26/07-2011: Next plenary session starts Monday, 12 September 2011.

27/06-2011: We've made an analysis to position MEPs in political space according to their voting in the parliament. See it here.

07/06-2011: Today it is two years since the EP-election. 1810 roll-call votes has been cast since then.

11/05-2011: Our first small project based on the an API for EU legislation is a visualization of EU legislation in time.

09/05-2011: We have launched an API for EU legislation.

25/03-2011: We are working on some improvements to itsyourparliament.eu and its API. You are welcome to send us your suggestions and ideas for new features.

03/02-2011: After one year with the Barroso II Commission; who is the most/least active Commissioner? Look here!

09/11-2010: Kohovolit has made an interactive analysis of the voting behaviour in the EP based on our API.

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Birthdays of today

John Attard-montalto (S&D) 72 years old Malta
Tiziano Motti (PPE) 59 years old Italy
Françoise Castex (S&D) 69 years old France
Latest comments

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